Lisa Jags
Holistic Hairsylist & Wellness Mentor
Authentic beauty from the inside out
Connect to your inner beauty and express it in style
Where beauty rituals and healthy lifestyle practices meet self-love and authenticity
Feminine Embodiment Coaching
Connect with your inner & outer goddess... Feel whole, complete, and grounded in your body. Tap into the powerful source of who you really are.
What lights you up inside?
What makes you smile?
What ways you down?
Explore the depths of your soul, free your spirit, and learn to live in the wholeness of your authentic self!
1:1 Sessions
For booking and pricing email or call to set up a consultation. Sessions are customized to your individual needs. Including modalities listed below.
Learn how to connect with the element of air, fire, water, earth, through moment. They each have a great purpose in becoming fully embodied.
Learn how to make contact with your breath throughout your whole body. Our breath is medicine. Set it free, feel the inner expansion, and experience self healing.
Deep Nourishment
Learn to drop into the body and let go. Guided inner body mediation.